Friday, March 7, 2008

What Mairzy Did

Okay, y'all. I was in the library, and who should be ringing up my fines but the China-traveling librarian that we'd thought about asking for dessert. I hestitated. I pretended I didn't notice the opportunity. But I could hear y'all behind me: "Come on, just ask her. You're the one who was going on about 'lost social relics.' It won't hurt you. She'll be pleased! Go for it!" (By the way, you need to keep your voices down in the library.)

So I said, "This may seem a bit odd, but my husband and I would love to hear more about your trip to China. Would you like to come over for dessert some evening?"

She stared at me, then called security and hit me with pepper spray.

Not really. She looked surprised, pleased, and said she'd talk to her husband about it. It'll probably be after Easter, as we're both rather busy till then. And it might not come off... but hey! I did it!

(Applause is appropriate here.)


Mommy Daisy said...

Woo woo! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Now, see, aren't you glad you did it???

Misty said...


Good for you. That took nerve, but you did it! Told you she would be flattered.

I have been to the rolling hills of Ohio. Want to have me over for ice cream?

Julie said...

Yay! It works!

Mairzy said...

Hm, I can't say your offer is tempting me, Misty. How about if you come for ice cream and we talk about buying locally and baking our own bread?