Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Weirdness of Mairzy

Desperate Housewife, who appears to have reached a well-adjusted adulthood despite her childhood quirks, :) tagged me for this meme. I could put as my first item that I'm lazy about links and tagging. If you read this, and haven't done it (although probably most of you have because most of my readers are from the same "neighborhood"), then consider yourself tagged.

I am to list seven weird or random facts about myself. Honestly, it's pretty difficult to come up with seven weird things. I'm so ordinary. What have I done that isn't exactly like everyone else in the world? I mean, just like all the rest of you, I:

1. ... as a child, spent summers catching grasshoppers to feed to my cats. Which kind of grasshopper did your cat like best? Mine liked the green ones.

2. ... have never been pulled over for speeding.

3. ... got my first kiss at 14 (isn't THAT a rosy memory, ugh), and then not again until I was 23. That one was for keepers.

4. ... didn't see snow until I was in fifth grade.

5. ... learned in my Deep South school that "other people pronounce 'vehicle' with a silent H, so that's why it's in your spelling list on silent letters. We don't say it that way.'"

6. ... have to have my dirty dishes arranged a certain way on the counter or otherwise go crazy looking at them.

7. ... used to confuse the word 'condiments' with another, more salacious, word. I was shocked, SHOCKED when a sign at McDonald's blatantly declared that condiments were available upon request.

So, sorry to drum in this boring list of everyday human traits and experiences. Sometimes I wish I were just a little more eccentric and not so much like everyone else!


Anonymous said...

Number 7 cracked me up - thanks for giving me something to laugh about today!

Julie said...

I've never been pulled over for speeding or had a cavity. Hmmm... that's 2 of the 7 right there. Perhaps I should do this!

Mairzy said...

Julie - Yes, you should! I tag you!

Sarah said...

I really liked the one about Southern pronounciation! I've definitely heard people say it both ways, even here in the (redneck) north.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I confused the word condiments, too. ALSO the word "public." I thought it was SO EMBARRASSING that we had a Public Library.

Misty said...

Condiments! HA!

I used to be sweet and naive, too. What happened? ;)