Tuesday, February 12, 2008


August (the introvert who nevertheless loves inviting people over) asked what I thought of inviting one of our local librarians (and her husband)for dessert. We enjoy talking with her, and would like to hear more about her recent trip to China. But, of course, we know her only through book check-outs. I'm not even sure of her name. I know Beth is a librarian, so she'd be able to imagine the situation; and as for the rest of you: Would that completely weird you out if you were invited over by someone you saw occasionally on business?

(For the record, we are a very respectable-looking family with no indications of pathological tendencies.)


Julie said...

I read a post by someone yesterday about how to make friends and this sounds like something she would do! Ha! I think it's a great idea. You've already laid some groundwork by chatting a little about the trip. I don't see anything wrong with saying "Hey, we'd love to hear more about your trip to China. Why don't you and the husband join us for dessert tomorrow night?"

Anonymous said...

I think it's an excellent idea. Julie's suggestion for how to bring it up was perfect.

Beth A. said...

Well, there's not any professional code among librarians that prevents fraternizing with patrons, or at least they never told me about one in library school. :) I think as long as it was someone who I actually talked to, as opposed to just exchanging brief comments about the weather as the books get scanned, I wouldn't think it was weird.

Swistle said...

I was thinking it was a great idea but that I'd be far too nervous to actually DO it. Then I read Julie's idea of how to say it. I would memorize that, and say it.

Mommy Daisy said...

Julie's on the money. I love that idea. I think you should go for it!

Anonymous said...

Ditto the others....Julie's idea sounds perfect. Besides, who wouldn't be flattered by someone wanting to hear about their vacation?

Misty said...

I'm A Librarian! And I would be flattered if someone wanted to hear about my fancy trips and feed me sugar.