Sunday, February 24, 2008

Further Questioning

Yes, yes, I should be writing, not blogging. Stop nagging.

So my highly unofficial findings indicate that we assume that nice people look something like ourselves. Interesting. Here's my next question: How do we imagine beautiful people? (Assuming we don't consider ourselves the epitome of beauty.) Below is a quick sketch -- primarily dialogue, because anytime I sit down with two characters they can talk for pages without actually accomplishing anything. Read the sketch, and then answer the question below. No talking, no looking at your neighbor's paper, and spit out that gum!

"I hope you don't mind. You're having a visitor today," said Lacey, comfortably installing herself in her brother-in-law's favorite chair. "You're going to meet the love of your life."

Jonathan peered around the kitchen doorway, looking grumpy. "Since when did I ask you to look for the love of my life?"

"I wasn't looking. But my cousin Delaney is flying in today. I told her Chris was tending to your sick laptop so we'd be here, and gave her directions."

"This relates to my love life how?"

"When you see Delaney, you'll fall in love. Men always do. That's just what happens." She shot a glance at her husband, Jonathan's brother, who was bent over the laptop. "Even Chris is pretty starstruck when she's around. Aren't you, Chris?"

"If you think," Chris said, not looking up, "that I'm even going to pretend that I heard that question, you're wrong."

Jonathan came out carrying a tray of iced tea, which he served to Lacey and Chris before sitting down with his own. Lacey looked him over appraisingly. "I've wanted you and Delaney to meet for a while, anyway. You're a catch yourself. Good-looking, can cook, and even cleaned your apartment today."

"I have no interest in meeting your cousin."

"Well, I can't help that. She's coming in, like, ten minutes. You'll see how uninterested you are then."

"Don't sound so depressed about it. Are you jealous of her, Lacey? Oh, come on."

Lacey sighed. "I know, it's stupid. I'm perfectly happy with Chris..."

"Thank you," said Chris.

"... but still, I wouldn't mind knowing that there are a couple of guys who break out the hard liquor every year on my wedding anniversary. When Delaney marries, she'll singlehandedly push the whiskey market into a boom. Oh, stop sneering. I'm right. You'll see."

The doorbell rang, and Lacey jumped to her feet. But Jonathan, determined to show how unimpressed he was at the prospect of this modern-day Aphrodite, pushed her back in her chair. "I can answer my own door, thank you."

He walked confidently to the door and opened it wide. "Hello?" he said. And that was as far as he got.

A woman was standing on his doorstep. From the toes of her red vintage pumps to the silky lock of hair falling into her luminous eyes, she was beautiful. She smiled nervously at Jonathan. It was a dazzling smile. "Hi, I'm Delaney... Lacey's cousin? I really hope you're Jonathan."

"Yes, I'm Jonathan. Um, good to meet you... Delaney, did you say your name was?"

She smiled with relief. "Yes! I shouldn't have worried, of course. Lacey's directions are always right."

"Yes," Jonathan agreed, feeling a little dizzy. "Lacey is usually right."


Question: What does Delaney look like?


Swistle said...

She has long hair, it's dark blonde (ahem) but has lots of streaks in it. And FINE, I picture green eyes.

Lacey and Chris are blonds. Jonathan has brown hair.

Anonymous said...

She has long blonde hair and is thin and tall.

Banana said...

Sort of like Angelina Jolie - Light brown, long and slightly wavy hair. Sort of mysterious looking eyes - but a bright and welcoming smile.

AndreAnna said...

I picture Katherine Heigel - like she had her hair done at the Oscars. Old fashioned but stunning. Simple and beautiful.

Misty said...

Long medium brown hair with bangs. Heart shaped face. Brown eyes with flecks of gold. Super white teeth with apple cheeks when she smiles. Natural tan. I guess, in my mind, slighly Hawaiian looking? But my personal opinion is that non-white folks are more "beautiful" than white folks. (I am white, just sayin')

Now I can look at everyone else's answer? This is toooo fun.

Crystal said...

She has medium brown hair with lighter (natural!) highlights. Its naturally wavy and during this scene falling perfectly just past her shoulders and wisping across her eyes (sideswept bangs) because of the breeze. Her eyes are dark fringed with arched brows (again Natural!) but bright blue in color. Her skin is not white white, but not super olive either. She tans well, but not heavily. Oh, her nose is perfectly straight but not too long and not too turned up, only slightly. Ah, and strong cheek bones and a nice jawline. Perfect heart shaped face...with a widow's peak.

I think I read too much........

Jess said...

I'm with Andreanna here. Middle of the back blond blond hair. Curled. But sleek. Not a lot of make-up. Red lipstick and definitely mascara.

Sarah said...

Hmm. I was getting a strong dark red hair, dark green eyes, creamy skin kind of a vibe.

Mairzy said...

This has been so cool to read through. Granted that you can't tell much about the universe from eight comments, but it seems that the blonds have the edge here. Which accords perfectly with my theory that we've been taught that blonds are more beautiful, and brunettes are more ordinary.

I, personally, fall somewhere in the middle of the brown-hair and red-hair crowd. My Delaney has brown hair with natural red highlights. It's long and smooth. She has the dark-fringed eyes that someone else suggested, but they're very brown.

Her vintage pumps are size six -- she's small. She gives off an aura of class and sophistication, but also looks vulnerable so that males instantly expand their chests and rush out to rescue her from, I don't know, a heavy breeze blowing hair in her eyes.

I cast Lacey and Chris completely differently from Swistle. Lacey has very short, very brown hair. Chris's is also dark. Jonathan's is dark blond. Swistle is blond and I am brunette. Obviously our own appearances color our perceptions more than we think!

Astarte said...

She's tall, maybe 5'9", with long, wavy, chestnut hair, and pale skin. She's got a great body, but not one of someone who has to work at it, like those annoying women who eat pizza every day and gain not an ounce. She also has green eyes and long lashes.

Unknown said...

Ooh, that's an interesting one!

I see her as having loose red curls. Very pale skin, with a few freckles. Green eyes.