Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bitter Cold

It was cold today. Anytime we had to go out, we rushed as quickly as possible to the next available shelter. At church we all looked at each other and shivered and said, "It's bitter outside!"

This afternoon, we got an email from August's grandmother in Canada. "I remember the day your dad was born," she wrote (it being my father-in-law's birthday). "It was 22 degrees below freezing on the Fahrenheit scale."

August and I looked at each other and shivered and said, "It was 20 degrees ABOVE freezing today." That's a forty-degree difference. That's the difference between 70 and 30. Between spring and winter.

Suddenly I feel like going outside and sunbathing on the trampoline.


Sarah said...

That is NUTS! I didn't even know it could GET that cold except in, say, Anarctica. It was cold here, too. It was eight degrees this morning.

Swistle said...

YIKES. THAT cold, you'd think the baby would want to stay IN.

Mairzy said...

Actually, there's quite an interesting story with that baby on that cold, cold day. He wasn't due for another two months, but she'd taken a fall on ice a few days before and the baby started coming early. Her husband drove her to the hospital, but then had to go back home with their two-year-old.

At the hospital, the nurse got her in bed and said the doctor would be around in the morning. Nothing was likely to happen till then.

However long later, she rang the bell. The nurse came in. "I've done my part," she said. "Now you do yours." She lifted the blanket to show them a little baby boy.

There's so much that could have gone wrong, but didn't (August's dad has had remarkably good health all his life). It's an amazing story.

And on SUCH a cold, cold day!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that's hands down the BEST birth story I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

She had that baby by herself?!? My goodness!

And your post makes me glad I live in Texas; I would not survive in those cold temperatures!