Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy? New Year

It's January First. This fact was commemorated very characteristically by my two older children this morning.

My firstborn, who will be known as Ladybug, is six years old and takes a very serious view of life. If there aren't any dark, looming portents of doom readily available, she makes them up.

My second-born, who will be known as Titan (as in mythology, not as in a football movie), is a happy-go-lucky five-year-old whose greatest concern in life is that he won't get his full 30-minute allotment of computer time.

This morning, Titan noticed the date on the computer. "Is it JANUARY?" he exclaimed in wonder, as if this were the best surprise since Christmas.

Ladybug looked over his shoulder. "Oh, no!" she groaned tragically. "It's JANUARY!"

So, from Mairzy's house, Happy New Year! Or, if you prefer, Horrors! It's a New Year!

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