Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's Got to Be True Love

August the Precise and Mairzy the Slapdash made up some hot chocolate for ourselves. I like mine a good deal richer than he likes his.

Mairzy: I'll bet I used half the amount of water for my packet than you did.

August: I used exactly the amount they said to on the box.

Mairzy (rolling eyes): Yes, of course you did.

August: I, um, used a measuring cup to make sure.

Mairzy (screeching): A MEASURING CUP to make HOT CHOCOLATE?! And to think that I SLEEP with this person!


Anonymous said...

But if you don't use a measuring cup, how do you know what's Right?

Paul just about had a meltdown when he found out I measure out the 6 cups of water for macaroni and cheese. (I don't anymore, but only because I can now fill the pan to the right height without measuring.)

Misty said...

:) I ridicule my husband for using necessities such as measuring cups, too.

That is not how you cook! Real chefs eyeball it and just KNOW what is right.

Why is it then that his macaroni always comes out better than mine?

Mairzy said...

Misty -- I know! It completely doesn't make sense that people bound by rules and instructions can cook better than we who let creativity guide our hands.

Swistle -- I'm with Paul.